The Administrative Division is comprised of five sections: the Internal Affairs Unit, the Inspectional Unit, the Technical Services Unit, the Communications Unit and the Training Unit. These sections are the direct responsibility of the Administrative Division Commander, who holds the rank of Captain or Lieutenant. Personnel within this division report directly to him/her on matters of concern.
The Administrative Division is responsible for establishing, reviewing and disseminating departmental policies and procedures, evaluating the quality of the organization’s operations, ensuring that the organization’s goals are being pursued, identifying the need for additional resources, and ensuring that control is maintained throughout the organization. The Administration Division also coordinates all facets of department training including new officer field training, in service training and all other specialized training, and ensures the continued, efficient operation of the department. The Administrative Division Commander serves as the department’s Public Information Officer and as the Internal Affairs/Professional Standards Commander. He is responsible for assisting the Chief of Police in areas such as budgeting, planning, training and policy development.