The largest of the department’s three divisions, the uniformed Patrol Division’s primary function is the preservation of life and property. The Patrol Division encompasses the Patrol Bureau, Police Matrons, and the Community Policing Unit. Patrol officers enforce motor vehicle laws to ensure the safe and efficient passage of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. The primary functions of the Patrol Division are to deter and discover the commission of crimes, to enforce criminal and traffic laws, and to maintain peace and good order.
Patrol officers are the first on scene for a wide range of calls for service, that includes medical emergencies, natural disasters, fires, domestic disputes, motor vehicle crashes, and the investigation of crimes and disorderly persons offenses.
Members of the Patrol Division staff the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), answering all 9-1-1 and non emergency calls and dispatching the appropriate resources for the requested call for service.
The Patrol Division is comprised of a Patrol Lieutenant and fourteen patrol officers divided into four squads each led by a Patrol Sergeant. The patrol vehicle fleet consists of thirteen marked patrol vehicles, one motorcycle and 4 bicycles.